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PagerDuty Integration

ThreatKey's PagerDuty integration sends alerts regarding identified misconfigurations and security risks directly to your PagerDuty service. This integration significantly simplifies incident management by facilitating immediate action on crucial security issues, thus streamlining your ability to manage and track remediation efforts.

How the PagerDuty integration works

The PagerDuty integration constantly monitors your environment for potential security risks and misconfigurations. Once such issues are identified, ThreatKey generates comprehensive alerts which are then sent to your specified PagerDuty service. These alerts contain detailed information about the issues, such as the nature of the risk, the affected resources, and recommended steps for remediation.

Benefits of the PagerDuty integration

  • Prompt Incident Management: ThreatKey's integration with PagerDuty ensures immediate delivery of alerts, enabling your team to swiftly respond to security incidents, which is crucial in minimizing potential damages.
  • Enhanced Transparency: The integration enhances visibility into your security landscape by providing detailed and actionable alerts, which promote proactive security management.
  • Improved Efficiency: By automating the process of alerting your team to security risks and misconfigurations, you eliminate manual monitoring efforts and increase your team's efficiency.
  • Better Collaboration: Integrating ThreatKey with PagerDuty fosters a collaborative approach towards security incident management, as your team can discuss, respond to, and track the remediation of ThreatKey's findings in a familiar environment.

Steps to connect ThreatKey to PagerDuty

  • Step 1: Access ThreatKey's destination Page: The first step is to navigate to the destination page on ThreatKey's platform. Here, you'll find a range of available integrations that can be configured to suit your needs.
  • Step 2: Choose PagerDuty Integration: Scroll through the list of available integrations until you find the 'PagerDuty' integration. Select this option to begin the setup process.
  • Step 3: Connect to PagerDuty: Click on the 'Connect' button to initiate the integration with PagerDuty. You'll be prompted to enter your PagerDuty credentials and authorize ThreatKey to access your PagerDuty account. Upon successful authentication, ThreatKey will establish a secure connection with PagerDuty.
  • Step 4: Configure Integration Settings: After connecting PagerDuty to ThreatKey, you will be able to configure the settings for this integration. This includes specifying which types of ThreatKey findings you want to send to PagerDuty as incidents and defining the details that should be included in these incident reports.
  • Step 5: Save and Test: Once you've configured the settings as per your requirements, save them and perform a test to ensure the integration is working correctly. If set up correctly, you should see a test incident appear in your PagerDuty account.

Need help?

If you need any help setting up the PagerDuty integration or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at or via our live chat.

Begin your journey towards efficient security incident management by integrating ThreatKey with PagerDuty today.