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Mattermost Integration

ThreatKey's integration with Mattermost allows you to send identified misconfigurations and security risks directly to your designated Mattermost channels. This enables your team to promptly address security issues, while providing a unified and streamlined approach to managing and tracking remediation efforts.

How the Mattermost integration Works

The Mattermost integration works by actively scanning your environment for misconfigurations and security risks. When these are identified, ThreatKey sends a detailed report of the findings to the specific Mattermost channel you've designated. This includes comprehensive details about the risks identified, the impacted systems or resources, and recommended remediation actions.

Benefits of the Mattermost integration

  • Immediate Notifications: ThreatKey immediately notifies your team in Mattermost when a security risk or misconfiguration is identified, allowing for quick action and reducing potential downtime.
  • Increased Transparency: The integration ensures every team member in the designated Mattermost channel is aware of the security status, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and transparency.
  • Centralized Tracking: Track remediation efforts directly in your Mattermost channels. This keeps everyone updated on progress and ensures nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Improved Collaboration: By integrating ThreatKey with Mattermost, you're encouraging collaborative problem-solving, as team members can discuss and respond to ThreatKey's findings in a familiar environment.

Need help?

Should you need any help setting up the Mattermost integration or have any questions, please reach out to our support team at or via our live chat.

Start integrating ThreatKey with Mattermost today and take a proactive step towards better security management.