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Microsoft 365

Strengthen the security posture of your Microsoft 365 environment with ThreatKey's Microsoft 365 integration. This integration is designed to identify misconfigurations and security risks that may threaten your data and operational continuity. In addition, it offers robust remediation management capabilities to validate efficient resolution of detected security issues.

Key features

Security risk identification

ThreatKey's Microsoft 365 integration enables proactive detection of potential security risks and misconfigurations within your Microsoft 365 environment. By leveraging advanced analytics, it identifies issues that may compromise your data security, enabling early intervention and mitigation.

Remediation management

This integration also includes a comprehensive remediation management feature. This capability allows you to oversee and track your remediation efforts effectively, ensuring prompt and efficient resolution of identified security risks.

Reporting and analytics

Enhance your understanding of your Microsoft 365 environment's security posture with our detailed reporting and analytics. These insights provide a data-driven basis for strategic decisions, support compliance efforts, and promote continuous improvement in your security practices.

Installation and setup

Setting up the ThreatKey's Microsoft 365 integration is a simple process. Start by linking your Microsoft 365 account with ThreatKey through the integration page on the ThreatKey platform. Follow the step-by-step setup instructions to start actively identifying and addressing security risks in your Microsoft 365 environment.


  • Enhanced Security: Proactively identify and address potential security risks and misconfigurations in your Microsoft 365 environment.
  • Streamlined Remediation: Manage and track remediation efforts efficiently, promoting a swift response to security issues.
  • Information-Driven Decisions: Leverage in-depth reports and analytics to guide strategic decisions and continuous security improvement.
  • Compliance Support: Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations through proactive security risk identification and remediation.

By integrating ThreatKey with your Microsoft 365 environment, you are taking a significant step towards a more secure, efficient, and resilient cloud environment.

Need help?

If you have any questions or need assistance during the installation and setup process, our expert support team is readily available. You can contact them at or through our live chat.

Take control of your Microsoft 365 environment's security posture with ThreatKey's Microsoft 365 integration today.